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The Self Assessment Exercise is a great way to evaluate your satisfaction within the different areas of your life. This is a great exercise to help you pinpoint the areas in your life that need more attention.

The Self Assessment Wheel contains eight areas that might be considered when evaluating your personal success. You’ll designate two numbers two each area: one will be your current state and the other will be your desired state. Each will be based on a 1-10 scale where 10 represents complete fulfillment.




quit smoking

Kathy is introducing her successful smoking cessation program with hypnosis. This cutting-edge program can be completed in one two and a half hour session, individually or in groups, and has helped thousands of people quit smoking permanently…without pangs of anxiety, severe withdrawal, or weight gain. You will emerge as a non-smoker: comfortable, relaxed, and in control.

There is no need to quit smoking alone. The program includes an initial phone call, comprehensive consultation and history-taking, discussion about the hypnosis method, one-hour tapes customized to the unique motivations and concerns of the client, what to expect from the emotional and physical withdrawal, and a supportive follow-up.

Hypnosis is effective because it secures your attention and communicates ideas that enhance motivation and change perception. You must be ready to quit in order for hypnosis to work. During the initial consultation, Kathy Gantz gathers pertinent history, reasons for referral, motivation, discussion of the hypnosis procedure, questions pertaining to the complete abstinence of smoking, benefits and pay-offs of smoking, dealing with frustration, anger and stress, and what it will take to succeed.

Kathy is a consultant at Juva Medispa and for the Beth Israel Hospital for Health and Healing regarding smoking issues, company spokesperson for Glaxo Smith Kline, and smoking cessation and hypnosis leader for the American Cancer Society.






Positive suggestions for well-being: Day by day, you will have increased feelings of confidence and assurance that you can and will reach your desired weight. You can and will become a more attractive, slender and vivacious you.

Eating as an Art: When you eat, focus all your attention on your food. Before you begin eating, spend a few moments observing your food. Notice the colors and textures. Inhale deeply and enjoy the aromas. When you are ready to begin eating, take only small bites of food, placing only small portions on your fork or spoon and eat slowly. Chew your food many times and move your food around in your mouth with your tongue before finally swallowing.

Symbolic imagery of a cloud: Imagine putting all the old destructive foods—the fatty, greasy food, the fast foods, the snack foods, the junk foods, the excessively sweet foods, the excessive amounts of food—on a cloud. Then give the cloud a push and watch it float off into the distance until eventually it floats so far away that it becomes a mere speck on the horizon.

Handling emotions and emotional needs directly: And then we discover that we have the capacity of mind to begin to deal with our feelings directly, no longer needing to submerge feelings in food. We discover food never, ever solved the problems of the mind and that we have the capacity to deal with our feelings directly and to allow to experience feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, boredom, and even joy.

Choosing long-term, not short-term rewards: The fleeting moment of the taste of a piece of food in the mouth was never meant to be much of a satisfaction. We discover that we can find healthier, more lasting, more constructive satisfactions in hobbies, in entertainment, in work and accomplishments, friends and loved ones, or even in comfortable, relaxing and easy solitude.

Visualizing the goal: Beginning to visualize ourselves at a still more future time at some more slender weight and beginning to experience all of the feelings of that more slender body feeling a smaller, but stronger body, healthier, more self-confident, attractive, a sense of pride and accomplishment. Feeling all of the good feelings.

Suggestions for decreasing food intake: You simply will be less hungry. The limited food intake can and will satisfy your hunger needs. You will eat slowly and enjoy the food you are eating. You will enjoy every mouthful. You will have a full feeling in your stomach much sooner than usual and you will discontinue eating.

Shifting perceptions and reframing: All we really need to do is to become the slender person we wish to become as we help ourselves shift our perceptions about our satisfactions about food. And instead of perceiving the old destructive foods as satisfying, we shift our perceptions into new healthy constructive patterns of eating that are satisfying. We forget to remember the old destructive eating patterns and the old destructive satisfactions.

Suggestions for exercise and activity: You are going to feel good to be able to control your body and to feel how good it is to be strong and healthy. You will increase the amount of physical activity, of effort, of walking, of moving. You’ll notice it is going to feel really good as you become more and more alive.

Suggestions about cravings: Cravings or urges are simply conditioned responses that seldom last very long and when we don’t indulge them they get weaker and weaker and easier to ignore. Remind yourself that in a minute or two it will go away. Hunger pangs are always fairly brief and time limited. Urges to eat pass fairly quickly. It will go away in a minute or two. Remind yourself “I don’t have to eat right now and the urge will stop shortly.”


The treatment is divided into three stages. The first stage is the consult to access readiness for the gastric mind band. The next four sessions are about weight loss, exercise and about drinking water. The last stage is maintenance on the Gastric Mind Band




What do we mean by relationships? Each person in a relationship feels a greater sense of zest, has a more accurate picture of him or herself, has a greater sense of worth, feels more connected to other people beyond those in the specific relationship. Love isn’t enough. Highs as well as lows are vital to every relationship. Infatuation is simply a stage. Love is ever-changing. What you do is more important than what you feel.

Helping You Overcome Shyness
• Hang out with the opposite sex….Use the Internet for dating services….Entertain groups of people in your home….Ask everyone you know to set you up on a date….Smile and make eye contact…. Learn to laugh at yourself.

Dealing with Isolation and Loneliness
• Know the difference between shyness and a social phobia. Join groups, go to museums, get on mailing lists, rehearse talking to people, count how many new people you talk to each day.

Helping You Become a Successful Listener and Speakers
• There are four kinds of listening: non-listening, reactive listening, judgmental listening, and active listening. Tips include: Have a list of instant ice breakers and briefly talk about yourself….Prove you’re listening by responding with “I heard you mention earlier that”….Highlight mutual interests….React with pleasure and use humor….It’s okay to “tell it like it is.” Notice what is not being talked about.

Ways to Build Confidence
• A few suggestions: Imagine you’re someone who’s confident….Look your best….Become proficient in one thing….Get in shape by exercising. Remember that happiness is the ratio between what you expect and what you get.

Overcoming Fear of Rejection
• A good strategy is to picture how you want the first date to end. Be specific about speech and body language. Give yourself some slack. Date more than one person. It’s okay to say, “No thank you.” Avoid seeing yourself as a failure or someone that caused something to happen. Practice compassion.

Dating Difficult People
• Some problems include fear of connection, acting inappropriately on a date, angry behavior, and inability to forge a friendship.




Stress comes from four sources: your environment (weather, noise, traffic), social stressors (deadlines, presentations), psychological (illness, aging, menopause), and your own thoughts. We all need methods to calm ourselves down when we are tense. Learn techniques to reduce stress.

Close your eyes and breathe. Sit in a comfortable position. Take an easy deep breath, hold it for a few moments, then exhale in a soothing, calming manner. Relax and smooth out the muscles. Let the tension melt away. Open your eyes. Take 5 minutes to do this whenever you need a break.

Do breathing exercises by counting from 1 to 10. On the inhale, breathe in light, calmness, relaxation. On the exhale, breathe out safety, serenity and comfort.

Progressive Relaxation. Find a quiet place, turn off your cell phone. Focus on your toes–put your energy into them, then relax your toes and let them go loose. Focus attention on one muscle group at a time. Progress like this from toes to head, visualizing the tension escaping your body until you’ve done this release with every muscle (head, face, neck, shoulders, torso, legs, feet).

Mantra Meditation. Select a word or a syllable that you like. You can try the word “one” or “om”; chant this mantra silently to yourself. Imagine being in a comfortable, peaceful, safe place—in harmony with life, peace is within you.

Visualization. Imagine yourself in your favorite place, such as a white-sand beach or up high in the mountains. You can relax at will. Try this with music.

Yoga and Stretching Exercises. These can relieve tension, make your body more limber and flexible, and produce an overall, calming effect.

Handle Your Worries. Notice your worried thoughts. Choose to stop them and take a supportive action, such as “I’ve started worrying; these thoughts aren’t helpful and I’m ready to let them go.”

Stress Reduction Techniques condition the mind to handle stress effectively. If the above techniques don’t relax you or eliminate stress, then it’s best to seek the consultation of a licensed professional.